Sunday, 3rd June 2012
40 players entered our Sunday Fun Tournament June 2012, held on Sunday 3rd June at Sydney Academy of Chess. Congratulations to the trophy winners and medal winners:
1st Place - Paul Russell 7/7 (trophy)
2nd Place - Linus Cooper 5.5/7 (trophy)
3rd Place - George Bai 5.5/7 (trophy)
Best Girl - Angela Huang 3/7 (medal)
9 Years and Under Prize - Chanuth Gunawardene 4/7 (medal)
JCL Under 400 rating Prize - Xander Leibert 4/7 (medal)
Thanks to Serra for acting as main arbiter and to Per as 2nd arbiter (especially with the late notice, due to the sudden entry influx!).
Standings and crosstable can be downloaded from the links below.
The next tournament will be held on Sunday 1st July. Click here for more details including an entry form.
Download Results: