Sydney Latvian Society Club
32 Parnell Street, Strathfield
(2 minutes walk from Strathfield Station)
The Inner West Chess Challenge 15 has finished and we broke a record for the most number of entries received. 331 players started the tournament in Round 1! As usual, our major tournaments are long and arduous events, so congratulations to the 311 players who endured the marathon chess day and survived until the end of the eighth and final round.
Top seed Paul Russell was the only player to finish on a perfect score of 8/8, and he entertained us with some a-Paul-ling jokes in his victory speech!
Thank you once again to the Latvian Society Club for providing an excellent venue, to all of the Sydney Academy of Chess arbiters, our canteen helpers, and to all of the parents for their efforts and support by driving their children to and from Strathfield.
For the final results and list of prizewinners, please download the attached files below.
If you still have chess fever after this exciting event, then check out our Upcoming Tournaments page.
The last major tournaments for 2014 are the Macquarie University Schools Chess Challenge and the Xmas Swiss Chess Challenge.
Photos coming soon!!