Sydney Academy of Chess
Unit 37, 2 O'Connell Street, Parramatta NSW
The February Parramatta Fun Tournament attracted 18 players. Many thanks to our arbiter, Poyraz.
With so many players we only managed to run 6 rounds, however this was enough to get a clear 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
1st Place - Michael Parsons 5.5/6
2nd Place - Jason Yan 5/6
3rd Place - Matthew Parsons 4.5/6
Gold Encouragement Medal: Sayum Rupasinghe 4/6
Silver Encouragement Medal: Julian Kirkpatrick 3/6
Bronze Encouragement Medal: Nathan Chung 3/6
Well done to everyone who competed. To see the results, please download the attached file.
Other Upcoming Tournaments:
Don't miss out on our other tournaments. For a full list of upcoming tournaments please visit our website by clicking here.
Our next Parramatta Fun Tournament is on Saturday 21st March.