25 players took part in the Sunday Fun Tournament June held on Sunday 2nd June at Sydney Academy of Chess (Burwood). Thanks again to Alana for running the tournament.
Linus Cooper placed outright first with 6.5 points out of 7 - he again only conceded one draw (to William Tao). This makes five Sunday Fun Tournament victories in a row for Linus!! Well done! There were no ties for second and third places, taken out by William Tao (6 points) and James Ji (5.5 points) respectively. Below is the list of prizewinners from the event.
Trophy Winners:
1st Place - Linus Cooper 6.5/7
2nd Place - William Tao 6/7
3rd Place - James Ji 5.5/7
Medal Winners:
8 Years and Under Prize - Brandon Zhang 4/7
Under 400 JCL Rating Prize - Sebastian Wei 4/7
Encouragement Award - Daniel Balmer 2.5/7
The next Junior tournament will be the exciting new event, the Toy and Game Expo Chess Challenge 2013 to be held in 3 divisions over the long weekend 8th - 10th June.
Click on Upcoming Tournaments to view the complete list of events for 2013!