Inner West Chess Challenge 33

Tuesday, 15th April 2025

Sydney Academy of Chess
Suite 2, Level 2, 1-17 Elsie St
Burwood NSW


$40 per player
$50 if paid after 5:00pm Friday before tournament
$60 if paid on the day of the tournament


8:45 am   Registration
9:30 am   Round 1 begins
3:15 pm   Prize giving
There are short breaks between the rounds.


This tournament is an individual and not a team event. The tournament is restricted to players under 18 years of age. The tournament is an 8-round ‘Swiss’ competition. This means that all players play 8 games and no-one is ‘knocked out’ of the tournament.
The time limit is 15 minutes per player per game.
This tournament will be JCL rated.


Trophies will be given for: 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, 4th Place, 5th Place.
Age performance trophies awarded to the following age groups: 
12 Year old Prize
11 Year old Prize
10 Year old Prize
9 Year old Prize
8 Year old Prize
7 Year old Prize
6 Year old Prize
5 Year old Prize
All participants receive an electronic certificate of participation.

To Enter:
To enrol please pay online with your credit card or debit card at
enter the code 7NIV6K00HF and fill in the electronic form, with your child’s details.

Download Entry Form: