Shop: General Chess

These are some of the most important concepts you can learn them in chess. If you know them and your opponent doesn't, you will have a significant advantage. Supplement your reading with Chess Lessons Items you may also like: Chess Boards
Chess equipment:A view from the top chess book
See inside the mind of some of the world's strongest chess players. Supplement your reading with Chess Lessons Items you may also like: Chess Boards
From America’s foremost chess coach and game strategist for Netflix’s The Queen’s Gambit comes a collection of the 50 best columns from the Chess Life magazine monthly feature—the most respected chess column in the world.​Conscientious in its explanation of every step of play, filled with detailed examples and practical suggestions for better chess playing for students AND teachers, this book... read more
Exploration in Chess Beauty by IM Andras Toth
This book, written by International Master Andras Toth, contains various themes and combinations which demonstrate the aesthetic beauty of chess, with many examples of composed studies and practical games.  For advanced players. Supplement your reading with Chess Lessons Items you may also like: Chess Boards
Chess equipment: Alekhine's Anguish chess book
This is a fictionalized account of the life and career of world chess champion Alexander Alekhine. Born into Russian nobility, Alekhine lost his family and nearly his life to the Bolsheviks before becoming the world's most powerful chess player. The coming of World War II placed the grandmaster in a difficult position, forcing him to collaborate with the Nazis and to produce anti-Semitic... read more
Chess equipment: Art of chess combination chess book
What, really, is a chess combination? It is a maneuver generally employing surprise and a sacrifice, in which pieces work together to bring about a sudden advantage. It is perhaps the most aesthetically satisfying and successful technique in the game. Some players believe that the combination is a spontaneous creation with no guiding laws; the possibility springs up in the mind like a flash of... read more
chess equipment: Attacking the king chess book
A guide showing various ways to sharpen your attacking technique in chess. It shows how to exploit an opponent's weaknesses, when and how to exchange off into a winning endgame, describes how to launch attacks and handle desperate counterplay, and includes practical test positions   Supplement your reading with Chess Lessons Items you may also like: Chess Boards
Chess equipment: Attacking the queenside chess book
Most chess players know how to attack on the kingside, but very few are comfortable when dealing with problems on the other side of the board. In this book, all of the queenside attacking motifs, such as the minority attack or the exploitation of a spatial advantage, are described in depth, giving a complete introduction to the techniques of winning queenside play.   Supplement your reading with ... read more
Chess equipment:Battles royal of the chess board chess book
Dive deeper into the complexities of chess with battles royal of the chessboard, and increase your rating today.   Supplement your reading with Chess Lessons Items you may also like: Chess Boards
Chess equipment: Better chess book
Improve your chess today with this simply written chess book, easily accessible to beginners.   Supplement your reading with Chess Lessons Items you may also like: Chess Boards
Chess equipment: Better chess for average players chess book
Designed for the typical amateur player who wants to improve his or her chess skills, this clear, straightforward guide provides the extra knowledge and technique that turns a losing player into a winner.The author, a well-known chess teacher and author of a dozen books on openings, coaches the reader through all the fundamentals of attacking, sacrifices, defense, positional play and choosing a... read more
Experienced chess player and writer Angus Dunnington takes a look at why the good, the bad and the indifferent all make errors, from small positional misjudgements to simply leaving a queen en prise. Supplement your reading with Chess Lessons Items you may also like: Chess Boards  
Chess equipment:Next steps in chess book
 Continue your journey toward with a book designed to take you slowly and methodically through the intricacies of the game.   Supplement your reading with Chess Lessons Items you may also like: Chess Boards   ...   ...
chess equipment: Cool chess book
C.O.O.L. Chess is the sequel to H.O.T. Chess, one of the most innovative chess manuals of the 1990s! Grandmaster Motwani continues to explain his easy-to-use acronym-based approach to chess thinking, and shows how Creative Original Opening Lines can bring astonishing over-the-board successes. The many brilliant games in this book include victories by Motwani against some of the world's best... read more
Chess equipment:chess brilliancy chess book
What do we understand by brilliancy in chess? The author delves back into history to examine how this concept has developed before presenting a dazzling array of brilliant games selected by grandmaster panels for each issue of the Yugoslav Chess Informator between 1968 and 1998. Apart from providing hours of pleasure, a study of these masterpieces will also help readers to add a sparkle to their... read more
Chess equipment: chess exam and training guide chess book
This book offers a unique approach to chess self-evaluation and training. It will answer the two most common questions that players ask an experienced coach - what is my true rating (or strengths and weaknesses)? How do I improve? The readers will find: 100 diagrams & 200 total questions of various difficulty.Comprehensive answers include diagrams for easy reading away from the chessboard.... read more
Chess equipment: chess and fables book
Chess has developed such a large body of myth and folklore that sorting fact from fiction is not easy. As with Edward Winter's previous volumes in his Chess Notes series Chess Explorations (1996), Kings, Commoners and Knaves (1999) and A Chess Omnibus (2003) this work (from a new publisher) features in-depth research into chess lore, corrections of popular misconceptions, biographical notes on... read more
Chess equipment: gladiator chess book
Seventy heavily annotated chess games make up this collection from the man GM Yasser Seirawan refers to as "...a near legendary figure in the New York City chess world." Asa Hoffmann is a FIDE master based in New York, who has gone toe-to-toe with many International Grandmasters and International Masters. In this book you will find duels against such greats as Joel Benjamin, Gata Kamsky, Miguel... read more
The coolest chess book for kids ever! This is not your typical beginner’s chess book! Written by longtime children’s book author Paul Mantell, and International Master of Chess Dean Ippolito, Chess in Action effectively captures the excitement of the battle: the thrill of staying one step ahead of your opponent, of launching a surprise attack, of drawing your adversary into a trap. In fun and... read more
Chess equipment: Chess Kaleidoscope chess book
Written by legendary player Anatoly Karpov, this book draws on the knowledge of world class players as well as mathematicians to study the intricacies of chess, and produce a unique book to study.   Supplement your reading with Chess Lessons Items you may also like: Chess Boards   ...
Chess equipment: Chess middlegames chess book
Many players are comfortable in the opening, where they are well prepared. However, as soon as they find themselves in the uncharted territory of the middlegame, they are suddenly lost for what to play. This book helps you develop a methodical approach to continuing to play strong chess, even after you have left your opening preparation far behind.   Supplement your reading with Chess Lessons... read more
Chess equipment:chess on the ledge chess book
Learn a unique approach to chess by this book by an experienced player. Not your typical chess!   Supplement your reading with Chess Lessons Items you may also like: Chess Boards   ...   ...
Chess Praxis
This classic by Aron Nimzowitsch is one of the best selling and most instructive chess books of all time and is the companion volume to MY SYSTEM.  This is the fullest exposition of Nimzowitsch's new analysis and theories, and it is beyond question one of the dozen most important books ever written on chess.  The development of the author’s ideas is both rich and extremely clear.  Each possible... read more
Why do so many chess players only draw winning positions or lose drawing ones? Why do many continually slip into time trouble, despite vowing after every game to move more quickly? How can players perform like Grandmasters on one day and complete novices the next? What's the best way to beat lower-rated players and what gives the best chance against higher-rated ones? In this book International... read more
Chess equipment: chess recipes from the Grandmaster's kitchen book
An experienced trainer and grandmaster explains key principles of chess strategy and thinking methods in chess. His 'recipes' include: tactical ideas in the middlegame; liquidation to the endgame; the technique of analysing variations; inverted thinking in chess. Readers are presented with new ways of looking at chessboard issues that will help them develop a deeper understanding of the game.... read more
Chess Tips for the Improving Player
Chess Tips for the Improving Player gives practical advice for club players who want to take the next step towards chess mastery.  Amatzia Avni's approach is far more creative than the usual tips such as “develop your pieces” and “control the centre”.  Avni is a trained psychologist who looks at life from an unusual angle.  Instead of repeating clichés seen before in countless books, he... read more
Chess equipment: Chess training chess book
This entertaining and instructive book uses the author's own tried and tested training methods and is ideal for any player in the 100-160 BCF (1400-1900 ELO/USCF) grading range.   Supplement your reading with Chess Lessons Items you may also like: Chess Boards   ...
Chess Training For Budding Champions
Many chessplayers find it difficult to improve their game beyond a certain level. They can see basic tactics, know a little about openings and can calculate a few moves ahead. However, so do their opponents. What is the next level, how does one get there? This book is aimed at chessplayers who have progressed beyond beginner level and have acquired the basic skills required to play at club level... read more
Chess equipment: Chess traps chess book
 Learn some of the trickiest ideas that exist in chess. Win games quick, and avoid falling victim to these tricks.   Supplement your reading with Chess Lessons Items you may also like: Chess Boards   ...
Chess Under the Microscope
In this major work, Paul Motwani, the author of the critically acclaimed “H.O.T. Chess”, looks in-depth at key aspects of chess.  His witty style will not only amuse but will instruct the reader by providing memorable insights into chess secrets.  The many well-annotated, exciting, attacking games are instructive model examples which have been carefully chosen to increase the chess knowledge,... read more
chess equipment: Chess wizardry chess book
A new thoroughly updated edition of a classic work to introduce a fresh generation of chess readers to the wonders of the chess problem. There is nothing like a good chess problem to show just how beautiful chess can be, and this book will bring this home to the reader with many of the best chess problems ever composed. The book contains a clear intelligible definition of problem themes and the... read more
chess equipment: Chess world champions style
A thoroughly annotated selection of the finest games played by the best young grandmasters of the 1980s. Presented by two international masters and former champions, players at every level will find inspiration and practical techniques. Player profiles include Gary Kasparov, Jan Timman, Walter Browne, Robert Hubner, Zoltan Ribli, Ljubomir Ljubojevic, others. 8 halftones. 108 figures... read more
chess equipment: Chess improving and staying sharp
This book emphasizes topics that strong players need to study in order to improve and stay sharp. Contents: Lesson 1:Attack and Counterattack, Lesson 2:Tactical Exercises I, Lesson 3:Art of Strategy, Lesson 4: Tactical Exercises II, Lesson 5:Art of the Endgame, Lesson 6:Tactical Exercises III, Epilogue: Odds and Ends.             Supplement your reading with Chess Lessons Items you may also like... read more
Chess equipment: Chess the art of logical thinking
Grand master and prolific chess author Neil McDonald explains every single move made in 30 striking tactical or strategical games played over the last quarter century. Each of these games has been carefully chosen for its consistent logical thread, so that the reader will get prime instruction in the art of conceiving appropriate plans and attacks and carrying them out to their natural conclusion... read more
Chess equipment: Choose the right move chess book
Most chess books focus on chess theory and technique, yet it is in the process of choosing each move that real games are won and lost This book is full of tips and advice on how to make the right choice every time, and to see when the opponent has allowed an attacking opportunity. Both authors are experienced coaches, with pupils ranging from beginners to masters. Therefore they are ideally... read more
Chess is a game of decisions. As well as deciding about which move to play and which plan to adopt, players must also make practical decisions about how to use their clock time and whether to use intuition rather than trying to calculate every line to a finish. Viacheslav Eingorn draws upon his vast experience to provide guidance on how to weigh the various factors in positions and decide on the... read more
H.O.T. Chess
Highly Original Thinking is Paul Motwani's description of the approach he advocates for chess thinking. He explains how, using this concept, the player is able to come to a more useful, objective assessment of positions, and even seize upon the opponent's psychological weaknesses. This book contains annotated games, with descriptions of thought processes used to illustrate this approach to chess... read more
Most players want to put the experience of defeat behind them as quickly as possible, but there is no better way to improve your game than by analysing your lost games to find out what went wrong, ensuring that you don't make the same mistake again. This original work -- designed specifically for club players -- identifies typical failings, such as poor opening preparation, inappropriate choice... read more
Play Better Chess Today! is perfect for players who have learned the basics and are ready to take their game to the next level and start winning games. This skill-building manual has more than 100 oversized diagrams that show how to exploit the strengths of each piece and defend against its weaknesses.
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It is not always possible to win a game of chess by obtaining an advantage and then logically converting it into a win. In the games of average players the result is often in doubt until the last blunder and the more resourceful player will usually triumph.No game of chess is won by resigning and the "swindle" in an integral part of modern tournament play. How does one fight back from a bad... read more
Score Sheets book
Official Score Sheets Book
The first step towards self-improvement is self-assessment, and so Baker starts off with advice on assessing your own strengths and weaknesses. He then discusses how to form and improve your opening repertoire, and how to prepare for competitive play. Next comes advice on how to think at the board, how to cope with time-pressure, and chessboard psychology. A welcome feature is a summary of the... read more
Chess equipment: batsford book of chess records
A book on the records, from the trivial to monumental, set in the chess world.  From the most successful and unsuccessful chess players in history to which player thought for longest over a single move, everything is included here.  This amusing, entertaining, and often astounding guide is a must for all chess players and is packed with entertaining facts and figures, annotated games and... read more
The Queen of Katwe
A Story of life, chess, and one extraordinary girl's dream of becoming a Grandmaster.  This book inspired the award winning 2016 film and is the true story of a female prodigy from the Ugandan slum of Katwe.  By the age of 11, Phiona Mutesi was Uganda's junior champion, at 15 she was national champion and then continued to chase her dreams.           Supplement your reading with Chess Lessons... read more
Understanding Chess Move by Move
John Nunn is one of the most highly regarded chess writers in the world. He has carefully selected thirty modern games to help the reader understand the most important aspects of chess and to illustrate modern chess principles in action. Virtually every move is explained using words that everyone can understand.  Almost all examples are taken from the 1990s and show how key ideas are handled by... read more
This updated chess classic demonstrates how to learn from your losses by recognizing the warning signs as they develop and by analyzing games gone wrong. In addition to expert analysis of each stage of the game, this guide offers insights into why players lose from good positions as well as weak ones, and how the pressures of time can be a problem. The change from traditional correspondence chess... read more
This text is aimed at the player who knows the moves but wants to know more. It has been written by an experienced chess teacher who understands the needs of unexperienced players