Chess training - Squares strategy 2


The Bangiev way of thinking is a strategy based on squares. This means that before every move, the piece set-up is checked out against quite specific predetermined criteria. The Bangiev-method does not develop your memory, but rather your thought processes: learn to understand the logic of the game by means of a few rules! In each phase of the game, you have to ask yourself the same restricted number of questions and then answer them. Once you have grasped the principle, you will be happy to realise how - after some practice - you can always find the best move yourself. You can test your progress by using grandmaster games; this is because grandmasters make use of the correct thought process, without perhaps realising that they are doing so!

The second CD with Bangiev's new method of training is dedicated to the opening. In a "Learning'' database, the new method of training is presented by means of 11 chapters and 162 annotated game fragments. After that, in a interactive Training database, there are practice questions to be answered in 27 game fragments, thus making the training method your own through practice.
With this CD chess training is fun:

- suitable for club players
- databases for learning the new method
- training database with 27 game fragments
- ChessBase-Reader on basis of ChessBase 9

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