Inner West Summer Swiss Tournament

Tuesday, 17th January 2017

The inaugural Inner West Summer Swiss Chess Tournament was run on Tuesday 17th January 2017.  By Inner West standards, it was a smaller event with 92 players, but we hope to grow it as a regular event on the calendar in the coming years.

The tournament ran very smoothly - finishing ahead of schedule - and may be the first junior tournament ever where we haven't lost a single chess piece throughout the whole day!  Well done to all the players and parents for making this happen!

The tournament included an unusually high percentage of high school players, and was hard fought until the very end, with the top 4 boards in the final round being the last games to finish.  Those games eventually decided all the major trophies, with the overall winner being Frank Jia (7/8) on tiebreak from Parunithan Ranganathan (7/8).

The full list of standings and prizewinners are available at the links below.

Thank you again to everyone who participated, and we hope to see you at the next event!

Download Results: 
Download List of Prizewinners: