Liverpool Festival Tournament May 2015

Saturday, 30th May 2015

Swiss competition (approximately 7 rounds).  All players play 7 games and no-one is 'knocked out' of the tournament.  For players under 18 years of age. 


The day started with 10 players. Unfortunately only 8 players could brave the cold outside.
Due to the low numbers we were unable to pair a seventh round.
Many thanks to our arbiter, Bevan Clouston, and to our coach in earlier weeks, Joanne Tan.


1st Place - Michael Parsons 6/6
2nd Place - Zacharia Kaake 5/6
3rd Place - Matthew Parsons 4/6

For a full list of results please download the attached results.

Other Tournaments:

For a full list of other upcoming tournaments please view our website.
Our next major tournament (in this area) is the Burwood Chess Challenge 2015 on June 30th.

Download Results: